Morgan Davis - Photographer
Vancouver, Canada
“I treat photography like everything else in my life, throwing things around carelessly and hoping it all works out. Being a procrastinator and a perfectionist can result in a particularly frustrating brand of doing NOTHING. Taking photos, especially of live bands, doesn’t lend time for procrastination or perfection - either it works or it doesn’t. One thing that always drew me towards the ~punk~ subculture was the lack of skills or talent needed to participate within it. Unfortunately, as time goes on I find this to be less and less true. Imposter syndrome is very real and bows its ugly head when you’re not actively participating in making music, or not fully convinced that what you’re doing counts as “art”. For me, photography is a reminder that differing contributions are not only valid, but integral to the survival of punk itself.
Documentation within a fleeting youth subculture is extremely important, and I feel as though it often gets overlooked. We only exist on this earth, in this wild state, for a very short period of time. How many friends and idols have we lost and how do we remember them? Nostalgia plays a heavy hand in almost everything I do, and in looking to the past we can work towards a brighter future.”
Death By Human Idiocy
A Rose By Any Other Name
Children of the Algorithm
Your Team
Past and Future
The Day Before
Old World In Action
Hole in the Wall
Can You Smell the Neu Smell?
Southern Hue
Springtime in the Back of My Mind
Baby Blue