Andrea Lukic - Visual Artist

Vancouver, Canada

”I began to love punk when I was in grade 6. After years of being teased for looking dirty, I discovered that deviating from normality could be my thing. I want to thank my friend Hannah, who passed away in 2016. Hannah introduced me to punk music and changed my life.”

Andrea Lukić is a Yugoslavian-born interdisciplinary artist, who is now based on the unceded homelands of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Nations. Her work focuses on surreal, alchemical, and grotesque memories, visions, sounds, poetry, and cognitive forensics. She began publishing zines under Exhausted Monologues at the age of 15 and playing music shortly after. She presently creates a graphic sci-fi serial soap opera entitled 'Journal of Smack'.