Bev Davies - Photographer

Vancouver, Canada

“I first met Bev Davies - who prefers her name in lowercase, so: bev davies - in 2007, at the outdoor festival Under the Volcano, where she was sitting under a tree. The Rebel Spell – a much-missed Vancouver punk band – had just finished playing, and my friend and I walked over. I think I said something witty to her like, “You’re bev davies.” She replied, “I am.” It was all I needed to be impressed. It is likely that, in 2007, almost every photo I had seen of early Vancouver punk, from DOA to the Subhumans to the Pointed Sticks, had been taken by Bev. (The first ever photo of the Minutemen I saw, with D. Boon wearing a t-shirt that read “Fight Using Your Balls” was taken by Bev, too). I didn’t even know when talking with her that first day that she’d been friendly with Neil Young, back when she lived in Toronto, or Philip K. Dick, when he lived in Vancouver (Google that – his letter to her is findable online). Nor did I realize that her photography began in the 1960’s, with candid backstage shots of the Rolling Stones.” - Allan MacInnis

Philip K. Dick's Letter to Bev